Tuesday, December 23, 2008


All the orders are filled and delivered and Lisa's Portraits is officially closed for the holidays.......sigh!!!! What a relief it is! Now I can finally get MY christmas cards in the mail and MY christmas pictures put into an album for Nanny, oh wait, I didn't have time to process those!! But I did take them....... Is it still the thought that counts? The poor photographers children. Hopefully an empty album with a promisory letter will suffice! Ohhhhhh what am I going to do with myself for 2 whole weeks??? Well enough of the ramblings of an exhausted photographer. Here are some of the first photos of the beautiful O'Mealey family!


Anonymous said...

Good for you girl. Take these next two weeks to get some much deserved R&R. Merry Christmas!!!!
~Suzanne Jones :o)

Anonymous said...

These portraits are very rich Lisa. The lighting is nice and smooth and the colors rich. Job well done! I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!
Jeff Nordby

Andrea said...

Why are they so familiar to me? Gorgeous pics! Lucky you to get to take a vacation!

Lisa's Portraits said...

Thanks Jeff. You guys too. See you at Red Rock!

Merry Christmas Suzanne!

Andrea~ The dad is Matt O'Mealey's brother. You photographed Matt and Keeva's wedding with me. Practically a modelesque couple. Mom set up colums at the reception to do all the formals. Keevas Dad used to be our pastor.
No luck involved in our vacation time. All well thought out and planned. We have been working long, long days busting our tails for this very moment and alas it is here. I am basking in its glory. Although I have to confess I did work for 2 short hours today to tie up loose ends!
Merry Christmas!

toni t. said...

Lisa, I'm so amazed by your talent. Keep up the awesome work!!! Enjoy your much needed vacation!!