Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Senior Spotlight: Brooke Summers

My name is: Brooke Summers

I go to school at: Claremore High School...then I am OSU bound!!

My favorite websites are: *Facebook*...always

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Seventeen and Cosmo Girl

My first crush was: A guy named Brook, haha! Who would have ever really thought my first real crush be a guy with the same name as me!

My current favorite song: Love Story by Taylor Swift and Coal Miner’s Daughter by Loretta Lynn...ahh! There are to many! That’s a hard question!

The last meal I made was: Elk Chili

My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: My team won the state championship for the Claremore FFA in Agricultural Communications and my part was the graphic designing. Also I made the affiliate finals to show in the NRHA (reining) Futurity on my mare and I am currently representing the South Central Region of the United States and my big show is this weekend!!

My dream job: I want to do something major in the Ag. Communications field. I am not sure what yet, but I have an idea and I would love to work for a local news station like Channel 8 or 6, behind the scenes doing back ground work. It is such a huge field and so many things fit me, I’m not sure exactly what my dream job is. I have an idea though. Also I could work on behind the scenes on making movies and doing the graphics and editing things on the videos.

One unusual talent I have is: Umm... I have no unusual talents. I can pick up things off the floor with my toes? And also pinch with them? Does that count? I can’t really think of anything unusual I can do.

I couldn't speak when I met: I normally am a chatter box until I went to a show in Branson and met the Haygoods. I was speechless and couldn’t even say hello because I was slobbering all over myself. I was so embarrassed afterwards.

My favorite things in my closet are: My Square-Toed Ostrich Skin Boots, I have some of the fanciest belts you will ever see (I kind of collect them), my belt buckles, and my Reining Breyer horses.

2 most important things to have a great friendship are: “Respect” which is a strong word that can go in several directions along with honesty and the other one would be “Laughter”

In 10 years I see myself: Graduated College and hopefully I will still be in school for my Masters degree. I want to be married to the right guy and have my own place by then, only if the time is right.

I love Lisa’s Portaits because (shameless plug!!): Lisa is so much fun and so funny at the same time. Oh man...just hope her camera doesn’t start to act funky or else she may have a melt down right there! (haha on the dock). She is young, her pictures are amazing, and she is so good at her job and with people!

For senior year, I was most nervous about: Trying to keep straight A’s the whole year to earn an academic scholarship.

My top 5 senior events are: Tulsa State Fair showing cattle, Spring Break '09, National and State FFA Convention, Prom, and of course, Graduation.

My most embarrassing moment is: oh my...I have so many! I’d have to say when I was new to the Claremore school, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking in the hall between classes and busted a trashcan knocking it everywhere and, of course, I was flat on the floor also. It was so embarrassing.

My number one lesson from high school I will take to college is: STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!

Senior year is such a big deal because: It is a closing to one phase of my life, but yet opening the door for a new one. I am preparing for my future and living my last year as a kid.


Andrea said...

1) These pictures are a-mazing.
2) How cool is Brooke?! What a neat chick!
and 3) That's the best "why I love Lisa's Portraits" yet! What awesome compliments!

Lisa's Portraits said...

Isn't it though! Now everyone can see why I love Brooke! She's the best!

Shea's Photography said...

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa...
Your work is so inspiring!! I love your new brocade look! Hope things are going good for you!