Thursday, December 4, 2008

My favorite girl

So this is Kelsie ~ with an ie!! Kels has been kind enough to have been modeling for me every since I was in photography school at OSU. I think I've known her since she was about 12 or 13 or so. I used to drag her and her friend Sammy to the most awful locations you've ever seen. I'm talking abandoned schools, falling down houses, creepy railroad tracks, you name it. They were real troopers to let me practice away and they even were nice enough to say the pictures were good....well at the time I thought they were too. Anyway now kels, with an ie, is all grown, gorgeous, and a senior and she's still modeling for me. She tested out our new set for us~ the brocade one with the chandelier, its fabulous. We try to add new stuff occasionally to keep things fresh.

Love ya Kels!

Listen Guys, just because it's cold outside doesn't mean you can't book a studio session! Give us a call 609-5100!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
I really like how you do not blow out the hair and shoulders of your subjects when doing outdoor portraits. So many photographers do not have a good grasp on this yet you seem to be very good at it. Great job. Your images are very well done.

Jeff Nordby, Anchorage Alaska