Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Some Favorites

Wow have we been busy. I have a love/hate relationship with the fall. I'm not one of those people who thrive on being crazy busy. But I love meeting all the fascinating personalities who come through my door and I get to photograph. And in the fall I get to meet a lot of them. I wanted to show off some of those great personalities on my blog with the spotlight senior but there are just too many to do everyone and soooo many great pictures that I thought I'd pick o>ut some of my favorites here and there and put them up for everyone to adore. We'll start with just 4 or 5 for now but there will be more so check back if you don't see anyone you know yet!




Kelly Jo


Couldn't Choose ~love them both!!

Also you know if you click the little blue comment button under this post you can leave me a message. I would love to get a comment from you. It would just make my day!