Sunday, November 23, 2008

Maaaaaan.....I knew the weekend would be the death of me. Only 8 posts before I missed one! I guess I'll just be proud that I made it this far and not give up, its kinda been fun.

I do have a good excuse though. My son Brandon just celebrated his 7th Birthday. Now when I was little we were just happy to have a Pillsbury cake, some ice cream and all the cousins over to play. Hanging some streamers from the ceiling made it extra special :o) But not these days it's gotta be BIG and you gotta invite ALL your friends. I have to admit I do love it though. I'm into Grand gestures! So for Brandons birthday we rented out a private game of Laser tag at LaserQuest. I have to say it might be my favorite Bday party to date. My husband and I actually used to go there with friends MANY years ago when we were dating so it was fun to be back there for our sons birthday. We're already planning our next trip back with a group of our friends! I have a very competitive nature so I couldn't really take any joy in beating a bunch of 7 year olds.... I need to get back there so I can kick my husbands butt!!!!!

until tomorrow......