Friday, November 21, 2008

Senior Spotlight: Hayden Warr

Statement Session ~Custom

My name is: Hayden Warr

I go to school at: Owasso High School

My favorite websites are: Facebook!

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Cosmo, Vogue, and Rolling Stone

My first crush was: I think it was Jake Snedden in fifth grade. I don't remember anyone before that! HAHA

My current favorite song: There are too many, but I guess Dreams To Remember and bands: John Mayer, Incubus, Sublime,

The last meal I made was: Broiled Salmon & Salad

My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: Graduating! =)

My dream job: Working for a famous designer like Vera Wang, Chanel, etc.

One unusual talent I have is: I can't think of anything unusual, but I do sing.

I couldn't speak when I met: That's never really been a problem for me. HAHA

2 most important things to have a great friendship are: Trust & Fun!

My favorite things in my closet are: my uggs ( so comfortable), my red pea coat, & my dress with the crosses on it!

In 10 years I see myself: Working in the fashion industry, married, & possibly have at least one child!

For senior year, I was most nervous about: applying for college & deciding on one for sure!
My top 5 senior events are: Homecoming, Prom, Spring Break, my 18th birthday, and GRADUATION

I love Lisa’s Portaits because (shameless plug!!): Lisa made my session so much fun! She is hilarious & VERY talented. Picking out pictures was impossible because they were all SOO good.

My most embarassing moment is: On the first day of school I wore a skirt. I was walking out of the building with one of my friends and my skirt blew all the way up. There were so many people around. I was so embarassed! haha

My number one lesson from high school I will take to college is: Managing my time & organization!

Senior year is such a big deal because: It is my last year at home. Starting next year I will be on my own!