Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am thankful for...... wonderful husband and best friend who supports me and dreams with me.
My amazing children, who have such beauty deep in their souls. Watching them grow each day is such a joy, sometimes I cannot believe that I am blessed to be their mother.
The talents and gifts God has given me and the opportunity to use them on a daily basis.
My Sisters and Brother, I will always be there for you ~ The Guardian Angel. I love you deeply.
My great friends, who support me in all my craziness. I love you guys and I couldn't function without you.

The list could go on forever... but this week, like many others, I am thankful.
I guess that would be last week :o)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bad Bad Blogger!

So keeping up with my blog over the holidays has proved to be more than this little blogger can keep up with. Missed another day, and my fellow spa challengers are starting to notice! Yikes, I wonder what my punishment will be........I'll probably be made to walk the runway at the Senior Portrait Artist Convention in some crazy, ridiculous getup. That's just the kinda group they are :o)

How many of you ventured out on Black Friday? Not me, no husband did though he's a closet rock star and was on the hunt for a brand new Gibson Les Paul. So needless to say I will be listening to the incescent thunder of 80's rock music for the rest of the weekend. Right now its Ozzy Osbourn's Bark at the Moon, which was my daughter Chelseas favorite song until she got old enough to know better (poor baby)! My 7 year old son doesn't stand a chance.

Well off to see the Bedlam Game! Go Pokes!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

In the words of my fantastic husband Clint.......
A Merry Thankgiving to you!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sports Posters

Did you guys know we did sports posters? For any school, team or sport. If your interested just call the studio for a planning consultation. Carrie (my incredibly talented Graphic Designer) and I just love working together on these! Here is the most recent one we did for the Owasso High School Varsity Cheer Squad!

If you double click on it you can actually read the paragraph!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Senior Favorites ~ Past tense

Since I recently started with the senior favorites I thought it only fair to go back and feature some of my past favorites as well, here are a few for starters.......

Melissa- Our SPA model Finalist Bri

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Maaaaaan.....I knew the weekend would be the death of me. Only 8 posts before I missed one! I guess I'll just be proud that I made it this far and not give up, its kinda been fun.

I do have a good excuse though. My son Brandon just celebrated his 7th Birthday. Now when I was little we were just happy to have a Pillsbury cake, some ice cream and all the cousins over to play. Hanging some streamers from the ceiling made it extra special :o) But not these days it's gotta be BIG and you gotta invite ALL your friends. I have to admit I do love it though. I'm into Grand gestures! So for Brandons birthday we rented out a private game of Laser tag at LaserQuest. I have to say it might be my favorite Bday party to date. My husband and I actually used to go there with friends MANY years ago when we were dating so it was fun to be back there for our sons birthday. We're already planning our next trip back with a group of our friends! I have a very competitive nature so I couldn't really take any joy in beating a bunch of 7 year olds.... I need to get back there so I can kick my husbands butt!!!!!

until tomorrow......

Friday, November 21, 2008

Senior Spotlight: Hayden Warr

Statement Session ~Custom

My name is: Hayden Warr

I go to school at: Owasso High School

My favorite websites are: Facebook!

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Cosmo, Vogue, and Rolling Stone

My first crush was: I think it was Jake Snedden in fifth grade. I don't remember anyone before that! HAHA

My current favorite song: There are too many, but I guess Dreams To Remember and bands: John Mayer, Incubus, Sublime,

The last meal I made was: Broiled Salmon & Salad

My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: Graduating! =)

My dream job: Working for a famous designer like Vera Wang, Chanel, etc.

One unusual talent I have is: I can't think of anything unusual, but I do sing.

I couldn't speak when I met: That's never really been a problem for me. HAHA

2 most important things to have a great friendship are: Trust & Fun!

My favorite things in my closet are: my uggs ( so comfortable), my red pea coat, & my dress with the crosses on it!

In 10 years I see myself: Working in the fashion industry, married, & possibly have at least one child!

For senior year, I was most nervous about: applying for college & deciding on one for sure!
My top 5 senior events are: Homecoming, Prom, Spring Break, my 18th birthday, and GRADUATION

I love Lisa’s Portaits because (shameless plug!!): Lisa made my session so much fun! She is hilarious & VERY talented. Picking out pictures was impossible because they were all SOO good.

My most embarassing moment is: On the first day of school I wore a skirt. I was walking out of the building with one of my friends and my skirt blew all the way up. There were so many people around. I was so embarassed! haha

My number one lesson from high school I will take to college is: Managing my time & organization!

Senior year is such a big deal because: It is my last year at home. Starting next year I will be on my own!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shout Out!

Just wanted to say Hi to my girls I photographed from Verdigris this week! First time I've photographed anyone from that school and it was interesting to have you all scheduled back to back. Well you were all loads of fun! Check back later to see my favorites from the Verdigris trio!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Some Favorites

Wow have we been busy. I have a love/hate relationship with the fall. I'm not one of those people who thrive on being crazy busy. But I love meeting all the fascinating personalities who come through my door and I get to photograph. And in the fall I get to meet a lot of them. I wanted to show off some of those great personalities on my blog with the spotlight senior but there are just too many to do everyone and soooo many great pictures that I thought I'd pick o>ut some of my favorites here and there and put them up for everyone to adore. We'll start with just 4 or 5 for now but there will be more so check back if you don't see anyone you know yet!




Kelly Jo


Couldn't Choose ~love them both!!

Also you know if you click the little blue comment button under this post you can leave me a message. I would love to get a comment from you. It would just make my day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So what are you addicted to?

Right now I can't get enough of Dancing with the Stars. This might be the best semi-finals ever. There is a quality I love in all 4 of them. Warren always brings down the house, he never fails to make you smile. I love Cody he is just stinkin' adorable, and so enthusiastic. Brooke is just the best.For an amateur her technique is fabulous,well except this week. It's no fair for a girl to have legs that amazing! But I have to say I'm rooting for Lance. I just love his personality and how Lacey brings it out in all their dances!
So all you Stars fans....Who is your favorite and why?

Another tidbit of info about me~ For one brief year I was a ballroom dance instructor.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I promise I'll have some new pictures up for you guys to see this week. Until then a favorite quote from my friends at Finao, the guys who make our fabulous albums.

"Good friends are like STARS, you don't always see them, but you know they're always there."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Spa Model 2009 Finalist

I know you guys have been waiting FOREVER but spa Model 2009 winners have finally been announced on the spa Models website. There was a record number of entries this year~ over 300!

Congratulations to our Melissa Oaks from Edison High School who was chosen as a finalist in the competition.

The 15 winners will all be at spa Event 2009 in Las Vegas at the Red Rock Resort. They will model for the top photographers around the nation. They will also be featured in the 5th annual Lights.Camera.Fashion. Show. Each model will receive a portfolio of images from the shoots to keep.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Girls Night Out

Great ~ the first day of my challenge and I almost forgot to post. I was up till 4:30am this morning playing a mean game of spoons and I do mean "MEAN" There was clawing, scratching, shoving, and plenty of trash talk. Of course I was the winner!!! Our church had their annual girls night out event at the camp grounds and it was loads of fun.
In addition I took a personality test and found out I was an "I" personality. Which basically says that "I"'s are impressive people. We are sensitive and emotional. We don't like to do research unless it makes us look good. We are people pleasers and entertainers. So true! Now we both know a little more about me!
~until tomorrow

Friday, November 14, 2008

Blogging Challenge

Alrighty friends and neighbors here we go! Thanks to my friends at the senior portrait artists - SPA for short. I've got a little kick in my pants to become a better blogger.

1.I know I need to blog more often so I've been challenged to blog every day until Dec. 31 (apparently that even means the weekends) Yikes!

2. I'm going to try to add a little more of me to this blog so check in daily to see what's going on around the studio, around my house, in the world, whatever I feel like that day I guess.

This should be interesting :o)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Senior Spotlight: Claire Detter

Art Session ~Studio

My name is: Claire Detter

I go to school at: Claremore High School

My favorite websites are: Facebook

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: People and InStyle

My first crush was: Alex Coplon

My current favorite song: Love Story by Taylor Swift

The last meal I made was: Bologna sandwich!

My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: State Runner-up Basketball in 07, Basketball Regional Champions in 08, All-District soccer 06 and 07, National Honor Society

My dream job: Being a nurse or doctor

One unusual talent I have is: I don’t really have any

I couldn't speak when I met: I’m usually never quiet

My favorite things in my closet are: North face jacket and my zebra print dress

2 most important things to have a great friendship are: trust and laughter

In 10 years I see myself: Married with two kids doing something I love

I love Lisa’s Portaits because (shameless plug!!): When I took my pictures I felt really comfortable, the pictures came out awesome and they didn’t look like the same cookie-cutter senior pictures! It was an amazing experience!

For senior year, I was most nervous about: not getting senioritis and about heading off to college

My top 5 senior events are: Homecoming, Senior Basketball, Senior Soccer season, Prom, and Graduation

My most embarassing moment is: when I was in a walking boot and it had been raining outside I walked into the school and bit it in front of everyone. My stuff flew everywhere.

My number one lesson from high school I will take to college is: take time to study even though its not my favorite thing, Ill have to find a way to balance both school and soccer in college.

Senior year is such a big deal because: It’s my last year at home before I am off on my own.

Tulsa senior portraits senior photography senior pictures owasso senior pictures tulsa Lisa's Portraits is a boutique photography studio specializing in lifestyle portraiture of maternity, newborn, babies, children, high school seniors,and families. We service the entire Tulsa area and surrounding suburbs including Oologah, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Sapulpa, Bixby, Owasso, Collinsville, Wagoner, Claremore, Okmulgee, Glenpool and Coweta. If you have been searching for a maternity photographer, newborn photographer, baby photographer, senior photographer or family photographer then look no further.Our website showcases some of our favorite maternity photography, newborn photography, baby photography, child photography, senior photography, family photography. Lisa's Portraits is a proud member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), Professional Photographers of Oklahoma (PPO) and Senior Portrait Artists (SPA). Senior Portraits, Oklahoma, Senior Pictures

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sweet Baby

I know I know I'm neglecting my blog again! I'm so glad you guys actually read this. Here are a few sweet baby photos to tide you over.