Saturday, December 6, 2008

Speed Racer

This just happened.......I'm driving home after finishing up the statement session with the totally cute Justin Glowacki (hope I didn't butcher your name J) and after picking up some fuel for the tummy I needed to stop by the studio to get a phone #. So I'm zipping along the 169 access road in my own little world and BAM out of the darkness flashing red and blue lights in front of me, he does a u-ee and i'm bussssted. You know usually you have a little warning because you actually see the cop car but he was in some kind of SUV and it was really dark along that road , so the flashing lights jolted me out of my little world and nearly into cardiac arrest. I pulled over and put my foot on the brake but neglected to put my car into park so when i reached over to get my insurance out of the glove compartment the my foot gently lifted from the brake and the car slowly started creeping away. I didn't even realize it until I hear in a booming voice "I wouldn't drive off if I were you, that would get you into a lot of trouble". I'm pretty much shaking by the time he comes up to the window and ask me if I think I'm speed racer or something which somehow makes me feel better! I tell him I guess so and after a little grilling he inspects my licence and insurance then tells me Merry Christmas he just saved me from a $270 ticket. Whew, thank you kind officer! Merry Christmas to you too!


Andrea said...

omg! that's so funny!!! It's so funny the idea of you slowly creeping off. Thank God you didn't get that ticket! And I'm surprised you were speeding... you usually go a little under the limit don't you?

Lisa's Portraits said...

Are you joking? You've ridden with me. I'm a terrible driver, I don't pay attention to anything. It's nicer in Lisa's world!