Thursday, December 18, 2008

The long goodbye....

I've been putting off my farewell to Cassie for a long time now. I'm not good at goodbye's especially to someone as fantastic as Cassie. If your a client you know her and you love her. She helped you with the daunting task of narrowing down your choice of portraits to take home and kept you from spending the entire evening here! She also did many other things behind the scenes here at the studio, actually now that she is gone I think that she did EVERYTHING! I miss her bunches and I know the one thing I can do that will make her happiest in the world is to finally.....finally get her pictures finished and posted! As you can see from the beautiful flowers and sundress sweet little Hayden is wearing this post is long overdue! So thanks Cassie for your patience and all your hard work, you are irreplaceable! Good luck with your church in Gore. They are getting an amazing pastor and family!

I thought those album pages would post a little bigger, I'll repost them tomorrow when I get back to the studio. ***Sorry they won't post bigger, blogger just sizes them small***


Andrea said...

Yeah deffinetly want to see the albums pages bigger. I can't believe how precious those pictures of Hayden are! Aww Cassie! I miss her too. Even though I didn't see her much, just knowing she's gone makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

I love you Lisa and I'm so excited to have the pics!

Working for Lisa's Portraits was seriously, hands-down the funnest job I've ever had. I'm already having withdrawals.