Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Senior Spotlight: Emily Combs

Style Session~ Philbrook, Studio

My name is: Emily Combs

I go to school at: Broken Arrow High School

My favorite websites are: Facebook, Myspace, and Photobucket

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Teen Vogue, and the cooking ones.

My first crush was: Tanner in the 3rd grade.

My current favorite song: Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls or T-Shirt by Shontelle and bands: Casting Crowns, Goo Goo Dolls, and Secondhand Serenade

The last meal I made was: Burritos.

My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: Is getting into DECA. I love that class.

My dream job: A Kindergarten teacher.

One unusual talent I have is: I can tell when people are sad, even if they are trying to hide it. I see it in their eyes.

I couldn't speak when I met: Danny. I literally didn’t have a voice.

My favorite things in my closet are: my American Eagle jeans. My cousins Ron Jon hoodie. And My Vans.

2 most important things to have a great friendship are: Trust and Love

In 10 years I see myself: Enjoying life as a Wife, Mother, and Kindergarten Teacher!

I love Lisa’s Portaits because (shameless plug!!): She is so great. I am usually uncomfortable when I’m getting my pictures taken, but she was just so relaxed and loved what she was doing, that I was just myself. And the pictures turned out amazing.

For senior year, I was most nervous about: Graduation. It’s just a scary thought that this year after graduation I’m done with high school. I’ve spent all my life in a school. And it’s just scary to think that some of my friends and I won’t see each other again.

My top 5 senior events are: Broken Arrow beating Union for our first football game of the season, Prom, Getting my senior pictures taken, Graduation, and Spring Break.

My most embarrassing moment is: falling up the stairs on the way to class one day.

My number one lesson from high school I will take to college is: Managing time. I’m not the most school oriented person. But high school has taught me that I have to manage my time between homework and hanging out with my friends.

Senior year is such a big deal because: It is the last year that I will be in school. Of course I’m going to college but it’s different. My parents won’t be there to watch my every move. It’s all up to me. I have to be the one to remember. It’s a bittersweet ending though. My friends and I will be going our separate ways. I will be leaving so much behind, but I know it will all be worth it in the end.


Anonymous said...

I love Emily. And her pictures are so good! Nice job Lisa! ;]

Emily Ann said...

Hi, Emily,

Life goes in circles. Read your blog, and enjoyed the pictures. Your name intrigues me, as we have the same name. I taught school, and am retired. It is fun to read about your life. I graduated in 1947, and felt the same way - now what! Lots of decisions.

Thanks for writing....
Emily Combs

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