Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So what are you addicted to?

Right now I can't get enough of Dancing with the Stars. This might be the best semi-finals ever. There is a quality I love in all 4 of them. Warren always brings down the house, he never fails to make you smile. I love Cody he is just stinkin' adorable, and so enthusiastic. Brooke is just the best.For an amateur her technique is fabulous,well except this week. It's no fair for a girl to have legs that amazing! But I have to say I'm rooting for Lance. I just love his personality and how Lacey brings it out in all their dances!
So all you Stars fans....Who is your favorite and why?

Another tidbit of info about me~ For one brief year I was a ballroom dance instructor.


Andrea said...

Okay I'll bite! I think Brooke shouldn't win because she's too pretty. That should be a rule. I'm with you... Lance all the way!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely for Warren Sapp! Anyone who can make me grin watching them dance deserves my vote!