My name is: Courtni Wilson
I go to school at: Broken Arrow High School
My favorite websites are: Facebook, Coach, and picnik for editing my pictures
The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Seventeen and bridal
My first crush was: Zach Holjes from first to fifth grade
My current favorite song: Akon - Beautiful
The last meal I made was: Marble cupcakes!

My dream job: Designing wedding dresses and shoes, I LOVE shoes
One unusual talent I have is: putting my tongue into a 3-leaf clover
I couldn't speak when I met: The Tulsa Talons. SOO cute.
My favorite things in my closet are: Polo shoes, uggs, and BCBG heels
2 most important things to have a great friendship are: Laughter and fun times.
In 10 years I see myself: Down in Texas owning my owning my own shop of dresses and shoes. With about 15 different cars
I love Lisa’s Portaits because (shameless plug!!): It was an exciting event to do. A highlight of my senior year and she is AMAZING at what she does. The company is very nice and works well with you.
For senior year, I was most nervous about: the ACT test and preparing for college
My top 5 senior events are: first day of school, homecoming, my 18th birthday, spring break and PROM!
My most embarassing moment is: I have many, but I slid out of my chair at tech infront of my whole class, and when I got up I tripped over the chair.
My number one lesson from high school I will take to college is: time management. I work 2 jobs and attend 2 schools, as well as trying to make time for my family and friends.
Senior year is such a big deal because: it is the last year with all of my friends which I will be leaving very soon and I just want to make it last.
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