Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Return of Senior Spotlight: Courtni Wilson

My name is: Courtni Wilson

I go to school at: Broken Arrow High School

My favorite websites are: Facebook, Coach, and picnik for editing my pictures

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Seventeen and bridal

My first crush was: Zach Holjes from first to fifth grade

My current favorite song: Akon - Beautiful

The last meal I made was: Marble cupcakes!

My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: Becoming senior class president for my tech class.

My dream job: Designing wedding dresses and shoes, I LOVE shoes

One unusual talent I have is: putting my tongue into a 3-leaf clover

I couldn't speak when I met: The Tulsa Talons. SOO cute.

My favorite things in my closet are: Polo shoes, uggs, and BCBG heels

2 most important things to have a great friendship are: Laughter and fun times.

In 10 years I see myself: Down in Texas owning my owning my own shop of dresses and shoes. With about 15 different cars

I love Lisa’s Portaits because (shameless plug!!): It was an exciting event to do. A highlight of my senior year and she is AMAZING at what she does. The company is very nice and works well with you.

For senior year, I was most nervous about: the ACT test and preparing for college

My top 5 senior events are: first day of school, homecoming, my 18th birthday, spring break and PROM!

My most embarassing moment is: I have many, but I slid out of my chair at tech infront of my whole class, and when I got up I tripped over the chair.

My number one lesson from high school I will take to college is: time management. I work 2 jobs and attend 2 schools, as well as trying to make time for my family and friends.

Senior year is such a big deal because: it is the last year with all of my friends which I will be leaving very soon and I just want to make it last.

Don't you just LOVE our super cool new videos! If your one of our past spotlight seniors go to our facebook page and check our your very own personalized video. Spotlight seniors get a special introductory offer to purchase these videos on HD dvd! Just ask me how.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sneak Peak

Mom and Nana Gittleman have been going crazy all weekend waiting to see baby Peytons 4 month pics. So I thought I'd post a sneak peak for them on the blog before they came in for their screening appointment this week. Another Peyton, another Baby Collection baby, what a coincidence :)

I picked up this luscious pink fabric at the store and I usually wrap up my moms to be in it but this day we decided to let baby play around in. Oh the great pics we got....she didn't quite know what to think. Mom scoped out my zebra blanket and already had a fabulous idea to get a zebra bow or headband for Peytons next session!!! I love it when mom's plan ahead!! I think Mom is a little obsessed with Zebra print so it'll be perfect.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sweet Sweet Payton

I'm way overdue to blog baby Payton's images so I'm making up for lost time. Payton is part of our Baby Collection and has just had her 9 month session. We are eagerly planning her 1 year session with something ultra-hip and urban in downtown Tulsa. I cannot wait to see what delicious clothing mom picks out for this session! Of course I'll have some thoughts of my own, which will probably involve umbrellas or petti's. I can't get enough of them :o) We'll see!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Wow! Hello Everyone! My apologies for being MIA for soooooo long! January and Febuary are suppose to be our slow months but with the success of our Winter studio special we are rockin' the studio sessions like crazy! I'm totally ready for some fresh air.......Spring where are you????

The Senior Portrait Artist Convention was so FANTASTIC that we brought back tons of ideas and have been working our little brains round the clock to implement them all. My favorite.....We have finally joined the land of all communication ~ FACEBOOK......I know, finally, right!!! So click our pic below and follow us on facebook.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

SPA Event Update

WOW Spa is a convention unlike any other! We got to work with the spa models today - for all you 2009 Seniors keep your eyes peeled for information on how you can enter to be a model at the 2010 Spa Event in our upcoming magazine. Back to the update! I am so inspired right now I cannot wait to get back and start shooting your sessions! Yay for those of you who are scheduled in January! I wish I had time to work up some of the images we did today and post them, they are rockin! But soon - I promise....... Sooooo lots of learnin', sharin', catchin' up with old friends and makin' new ones goin' on this week. Our lab sponsored a bowling party tonight and it was loads of fun. I'm pretty sure I haven't bowled in about 10 years so my score of 99 was fabulous and the second highest which as you all know by now was not first and NOT good enough!!!!!! The rematch was just miserable so I won't embarrass myself with the details :o) Can you believe we haven't left the hotel.... I know!! But there is no need to - It is 70 acres....I'm telling you....a fortress! Off to bed! Until next time

Friday, January 2, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!!

I'm here in sunny Las Vegas for the Senior Portrait Artist Convention, Yay! It's being held at the Red Rock hotel and Casino and you should see this place! AAAAAmazing - I cannot wait to take some pictures here! Yippee! I feel like a little kid again! And why shouldn't I, this is my first time to Vegas. Well I'll try to keep you guys posted as to everything that is going on and all the fun I am having and hopefully even have some fabulous pictures for you to see! Until then...